“This book is dark, sexy and little disturbing, in a good way. Thornton knows how to write a damn good sex scene.”
What Lies Beneath The Flowerbed
I'm not just any serial killer. Not just some cold-blooded killer. I have a purpose. You might not understand it now, but one day you'll thank me. Hell, you might even want to join me.
Gray Knight has a garden that even Martha Stewart would envy. That’s because she uses the most organic fertilizer she can find. Who knew the corpse of a human body could produce the most beautiful flowers in all of Kansas?
Gray is not your typical serial killer. Not by a long shot. She’s unorthodox in her approach and her victims are hand-picked based on one common thread—they have all brutally abused women. Abused herself, Gray makes it her mission, with the help of her friends, to remove as many criminals as possible, leaving not a single trace of evidence behind. At least that’s what she believes. See, Gray is a bit obsessive. Everything she does is methodical and precise. She’s cautious. She’s paranoid. But then again, she has a good reason to be.
Jett Roman is a homicide detective, and for all Gray knows, Jett is the Grim Reaper who has come to lay her to rest. Are the foreign emotions Jett’s making Gray feel true or just smoke and mirrors? Only time will tell if her suspicions are as dead on as the cold bodies under the flowers.